
For decades, the UK has been an extremely popular destination for students across the world. Every year, students flock to cities across the biggest channel island in search of a higher education that will help them land the job of their dreams. But why do so many individuals make the journey to the UK and its education system?

August 30, 2017 Read full post

The United Kingdom is an extremely diverse place. Despite London being one of the central hubs of Europe, it is far different from similar cities such as Berlin, Paris or Madrid, as is the rest of the country. There’s simply nowhere else like it. Culturally, there is a tonne of differences, traditions and just the way things work can vary from town to town, city to city.

August 23, 2017 Read full post

The impact of international students coming to the UK to join the education system has always been a debated subject. On one side, some people believe that students are taking vital places that could otherwise have been used for UK students, forcing them to miss out on potential education opportunities. On the other, some groups believe that the influx of international students is perfect for the UK and is a much-needed process that benefits all.

August 21, 2017 Read full post

You’ve done your research. You’ve chosen your subject and you’re in the process of setting up and preparing yourself to travel to the UK to become a part of one of the most renowned and famous education systems in the world. However, despite anything you’ve heard, the UK is an extremely diverse place, very different from other European cities and other countries, especially the US.

July 13, 2017 Read full post

Here in the UK there are all kinds of phrases we're used to hearing every day. Who hasn't said 'speak of the devil!' when someone has walked into the room when you were talking about them? Or how about 'when pigs fly', when discussing something that will never happen? Your parents probably used it when discussing whether you'd tidy your room. The English language is full of odd idioms and phrases that would make no sense anywhere else.

July 04, 2017 Read full post

Every country has a different approach to higher education, and the UK is no different. If you're an international student, it can feel rather alienating compared to your education in your home country. However, there are plenty of hacks that can help you get used to studying right here in the UK. Here are some of the most helpful hacks that you should know.

June 19, 2017 Read full post

Higher education is never cheap, and that's true of the UK too. Education can be less expensive there than studying in the US, but you'll still need a lot of cash to fund your education. That's where scholarships come in. With the right combination of scholarships, you can fund part or all of your degree. Here's how you can obtain a scholarship in the UK.

June 12, 2017 Read full post

In the UK, you're spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing a university. With so many available, how on earth do you choose? There is a way to narrow it down and find the university you'll be happy to stay in for three years or more. Here's how.

June 06, 2017 Read full post

There's a reason why the UK is so popular with international students all over the world. There are all kinds of benefits to living and studying in the UK, and you can take advantage of all of them. Here are some of the best reasons to consider getting your degree in the UK.

June 02, 2017 Read full post

It's no secret that the UK has been losing huge numbers of international students in recent years. In 2014, some 437,000 students came from overseas to study in the UK. This number, though, has drastically shrunk in recent years. What is it that's putting students off from coming to the UK to study?

May 31, 2017 Read full post

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