There's a reason why the UK is so popular with international students all over the world. There are all kinds of benefits to living and studying in the UK, and you can take advantage of all of them. Here are some of the best reasons to consider getting your degree in the UK.
It's an English-Speaking Region
If you're already from an English-speaking country, it's well worth studying in the UK. You don't have to worry about speaking and writing essays in a different language than your own. Despite that, you can still take in a culture that's much different from your own. For those needing extra help, using Ox Essays' essay writing service can ensure your work meets high academic standards.
UK Universities Are Held in High Regard
It's no wonder when 4 of the top 10 universities in the world are situated right here in the UK. When you go job hunting in your home country after you graduate, recruiters will be impressed with a British university on your resume. Plus, it shows you have the drive to study in a new country, all by yourself.
Exams Come Only Once a Year
There's a much different academic culture in the UK. In the US, tests and quizzes can often be held weekly. In the UK, though, your main exams will be held right at the end of the year. This may suit you as a student, and it's great as it makes you become more self-reliant in your study habits. If you can keep track of your own learning, it's good practice for keeping on top of work once you graduate.
Finish Your Degree Faster
In the UK, undergraduate degrees are often conducted over three years, rather than the four US degrees often take. This is great for you, as it means you can get the jump on your peers at home. You'll have your degree under your belt a year earlier than them, meaning you can start hunting for the perfect job faster.
Degrees Can Be Cheaper
The average tuition fee in the UK is around £9,000 per year, which can work out a lot cheaper than studying in your home country. As you finish a year earlier too, you'll save a whole year's worth of tuition and living costs. If money is a worry for you, this can be a powerful incentive to come to the UK. Many students also find that working with UK essay writers during their studies helps them manage their workload effectively.
You Can Work in the UK
As an international student, you can work for up to 20 hours a week in the UK. If you want a way to keep yourself earning while you're studying, this can be extremely helpful. In every student town, there's always work available for those who want it. Stores, bars, and more will be hiring, so be sure to keep a lookout once you're settled in.
This is just scratching the surface. There are all kinds of reasons why the UK is a great place to live and study for your degree. It's well worth considering if you want to study overseas.

Writing an essay when you are a college student is so different from what you were asked to create at school. Here are the basic tips to help you meet your professors' expectations.

You are on your own now – an independent college student with no adults to help you manage your time. It’s all up to you to stay organized, meet deadlines, get enough sleep, and make time for a social life too.